Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The news is getting bad to worse
And I am mad as hell,
The Bush and Peres speeches made -
I sure ain't feelin' well.
The foolishness of presidents
Whose judgments one must question,
The 'gifts' proposed to terrorists
Just give me indigestion!
Create a state of Palestine
When they excel at terror?
Too late we'll learn the lesson that
They've made a tragic error!
A state that sends its kids to kill
Morality corruption,
Create a state whose goal it is
For Israel's destruction?!
Apartheid state where only they
Determine who may dwell
Committed also - with their guns
That others live with hell!
And Shimon-Ehud acquiesce
To everyone' seduction -
They kiss the hand that's out to kill -
A media production.
It's time for Isr'al to announce -
We citizens have clout -
Our leaders can't destroy our land
'cause we ain't gettin' out!!

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